A fictional company, Annamay Designs, Inc. is a thirteen-year-old manufacturing company, specializing in designing and assembling original dolls, doll furniture, and doll clothing. It runs a single factory in Apex, North Carolina. Grace Donovan, the CEO of Annamay Designs, faces a crucial decision. As a result of increasing orders, increasing labor and operations costs, Donovan must soon decide whether or not to outsource to a Mexican maquiladora.
Grace Donovan and her two closest advisors travel to Tijuana, Mexico to investigate the possibility of outsourcing some or all the manufacturing to a maquiladora.
Level of Difficulty
Appropriate for undergraduate and graduate students, Business Spanish courses, cultural and business courses, organizational behavior courses.
Issues Involved
Outsourcing factories and jobs to foreign countries; Mexican political and economic landscape; maquiladoras and special economic incentives offered by Mexico; comparative manufacturing environments in the U.S., China and Mexico; labor, crime, and drug issues in Mexico; issues of women in Mexico.
Annamay in Mexico, 2nd edition:
An American Toy Company Considers Expansion to a Mexican Maquiladora
A role-play simulation designed to teach
cross-cultural negotiation strategies. (2013)
Maureen Maguire Lewis
President, Culturescrossing.com
Senior Editor
Dr. P. Roberto Garcia
Kelley School of Business
Indiana University
Instructor’s Book: 124 pages, including appendix and bibliography.
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